I’m a bit concerned: I launched the Watch app on my iPhone and it immediately told me “Update Required”. What’s up with that? Usually it just says that there’s an update available and lets me decide if I want to apply it or not. What’s different and how do I safely proceed?
I need to extract specific pages from large PDF documents but have heard that the online PDF editors are dangerous to use. What are my options to cut out pages without downloading malicious software onto my Windows computer?
I’ve started running Windows 11 as a virtual machine on my MacBook Pro through Parallels Desktop. Works well so far, but I’m a bit disconcerted to see all my Mac desktop files on the PC desktop too. How can I isolate things a bit better without losing interoperability?
Hi Dave. I see that you’re a fellow book reader and Goodreads enthusiast! I’m wondering if you can help me: I started reading a book and it’s just awful. I want to just remove it from my currently reading list and move on to the next title. No review, no star rating, I just want it gone. Is that possible?
I’m spending a lot more time on video calls, mostly through Zoom and Skype. Some people look really professional on these calls, but I always look like I’m in a dark basement! How can I look better in video chat?
I have MSN.com as my home page and it works well, except the weather’s always for the wrong place. How can I change the default weather location for the MSN home page, not on the MSN Weather page? Thanks.
Dave, I just upgraded to MacOS 15.4 beta and Apple Mail no longer shows most of my email?! What the heck? How do I fix it and, if it’s related to “categories”, how can I just disable categories in the new Apple Mail?
My Mom gave me a Chromebook for school years ago and I occasionally use it. Except now it’s saying I can’t get ChromeOS updates any more! How can I reset it either to fix the problem or to safely give it away without worrying about my personal data?
I have to analyze a lot of Web pages as part of my job and am wondering if there’s any way to have that feature within my browser? I’m on a reasonably new iMac, but it’s not the latest generation M-series chip. What are my options?
Dave, I got an email from eBay encouraging me to set up what they call a pass key to increase my account security. Is it really from eBay? What’s a passkey and should I set one up? If so, how’s that done?